Can Dirty Air Ducts Impact Air Flow?

Dirty air ducts can have a significant impact on air flow leading to higher energy costs and uneven cooling and heating in your home. Learn how to avoid scams when considering air duct cleaning services.

Can Dirty Air Ducts Impact Air Flow?

Dirty air ducts can have a major influence on air flow, resulting in higher energy costs and uneven cooling and heating in your home. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) suggests cleaning your air ducts if someone in your home has allergies or unexplained illnesses. With the growing awareness of indoor air quality, it is easy to persuade homeowners that their ducts need to be cleaned. All types of air ducts include sheet metal distribution cables to direct airflow, shock absorbers to evenly distribute airflow, sealants, straps, and adhesive tape to secure the ducts.

If you are considering air duct cleaning services, read some tips from Today's Homeowner with Danny Lipford on how to avoid scams. Ducts can come in all shapes and sizes depending on how they are routed through the house for proper air conditioning. To properly address airflow problems, it is necessary to perform a test with a ventilation hood by a professional to measure the volume of air passing through the system and to inspect the ducts. Other duct-related issues include clogged, damaged, or disconnected ducts; holes or cracks causing air leaks; ducts that are too large or too small; or dirty ducts. Over time, dust and debris can accumulate in the ducts that bring air to each room in the house. Taking simple maintenance steps that you can do yourself not only saves money on ongoing air conditioning efficiency but also avoids costly future repairs and the need for regular air duct cleaning.

Some homeowners may think they can clean the ducts themselves with a vacuum and a long dust brush. However, for most homeowners, cleaning the air ducts is not necessary unless there is evidence of rodents or mold or the vents are clogged with dirt. Once odors have been eliminated, consider adding or improving your air purification system to help keep the air in your home healthy and clean. While some companies include a microbial spray as part of their duct cleaning services, this is only a temporary solution. So, if you want your air conditioning system to continue operating cost-effectively, it's a good idea to periodically clean the air ducts to remove dust.

Jill Simpson
Jill Simpson

Professional troublemaker. Avid tv maven. Typical bacon nerd. General web scholar. Devoted twitter expert. Total tv scholar.

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