Does Duct Cleaning Stir Up Dust? An Expert's Guide

When it comes to duct cleaning, it's essential to be aware of the quality of the work being done. Learn more about how to get the best results from an expert's perspective.

Does Duct Cleaning Stir Up Dust? An Expert's Guide

When it comes to duct cleaning, it's essential to be aware of the quality of the work being done, rather than just the price. Independent investigations have revealed that a bad job cleaning the ducts can be worse than none at all. To ensure that you get the best results, look for companies that use truck-mounted equipment and compressed air, which is now considered “industry standard”. It's also important to note that cleaning anything will create some amount of dirt.

This is true for ducts as well. When you clean them with a high suction machine, you will likely see some debris and dust inside your house. Remodeling and home renovations can also collect dust and release dust from drywall into the air. To avoid this, make sure to clean your ducts immediately after completing any renovations.

This is especially important if you have young children or are expecting a baby, as it will provide them with the freshest air possible. In addition, if you or someone in your family has asthma or allergies, you may want to consider cleaning your home's heating and cooling ducts. This will remove any dust that has accumulated over the years and prevent it from circulating around your house again. When looking for a reputable duct cleaning service, make sure to do your research. There are many scammers out there who will take advantage of unsuspecting customers. It's best to look for companies that use truck-mounted equipment and compressed air, as this is now considered “industry standard”.Finally, it's important to note that while cleaning and maintaining air conditioning equipment has some benefits, these are relatively small and very little energy is wasted because of dirt from ducts or equipment.

Therefore, you should only clean your air ducts if there is a serious problem such as the presence of mold in the air ducts.

Jill Simpson
Jill Simpson

Professional troublemaker. Avid tv maven. Typical bacon nerd. General web scholar. Devoted twitter expert. Total tv scholar.

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