Do I Need a License to Clean Dryer Vents in Florida?

Are you wondering if you need a license to clean air ducts in Florida? Learn more about the requirements for hiring a licensed air duct cleaning company.

Do I Need a License to Clean Dryer Vents in Florida?

Are you wondering if you need a license to clean air ducts in Florida? As a homeowner, you don't need to have a license if you want to try and clean your own ducts. However, for the best results, it is highly recommended that you hire a licensed air duct cleaning company. They will have the expertise and experience to properly clean your air ducts, as well as provide lessons on cleaning dryer vents, disinfecting ducts, and removing insulation. I recently hired Master Cleaning of Broward LLC to clean my air ducts, but there was no license number on the bill.

This is because technically, you don't need a license to clean air ducts. However, the law requires companies that offer air duct cleaning services to have NADCA licenses and certifications. Cleaning your indoor air conditioning unit will most likely need to be done in conjunction with a duct cleaning service. This is because the two systems are connected and need to be cleaned together for optimal results. In conclusion, if you are looking for the best results when it comes to cleaning your air ducts in Florida, it is strongly advised that you hire a licensed air duct cleaning company.

They will have the knowledge and experience necessary to properly clean your air ducts and provide lessons on cleaning dryer vents, disinfecting ducts, and removing insulation.

Jill Simpson
Jill Simpson

Professional troublemaker. Avid tv maven. Typical bacon nerd. General web scholar. Devoted twitter expert. Total tv scholar.

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